Click here for Audition Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in the Worship Team Ministry at Boynton Beach Community Church. We believe that God has a plan and purpose for every Christian - a plan and purpose to be fulfilled in the local church. We want you to be encouraged and know that our desire is to see you fulfill all God has called you to do and be.
Our Purpose
The purpose of the BBCC Worship Team is to edify and build up the body of Christ by creating an atmosphere in which we can open our hearts to God, give Him all that we are, and deeply hear from His Spirit. Our goal is to enter into a passionate and intimate time of praise and worship through music and the visual arts when we gather together as a community of believers. We want BBCC to be a place where people can experience a divine encounter with the Lord and have their hearts prepared to receive the teachings of the Word of God.
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”. Romans 12:1
Basic Guidelines
While we do strive for excellence in all that we do, we do not view ourselves (musicians, vocalists, AV techs) simply as “performers” nor our art as a “performance”. We are first and foremost “worshippers”, and this is our ministry. As such, team members make a commitment of devoting time and energy to both the development of their craft and the development of their spiritual lives. We use this short list of guidelines to help us in these tasks as we seek to glorify Him.
1. Worship Team Members are committed disciples of Jesus Christ, live a lifestyle of worship, and display an ongoing, growing relationship with Him.
2. Worship Team Members are committed to BBCC and regularly participate in Sunday morning services and Worship Team rehearsals.
3. Worship Team Members will interview and audition before serving on the team. Musicians should be able to read chord charts and play in a group setting. Vocalists should possess the ability to sing harmony parts and blend with other voices. AV (audio/visual) technicians should be able to demonstrate rudimentary proficiencies with computers, stage lighting, or sound.
4. Worship Team Members strive to maintain a humble and teachable attitude at all times.
5. Worship Team Members are committed to encouraging and cultivating the spiritual health and growth of their fellow team members.
6. Worship Team Members are expected to be familiar with their music in advance of scheduled rehearsal times.
7. Worship Team members are expected to attend all scheduled rehearsals and services unless prior arrangements are made.
“I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which cost me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24:24
Please Note
We want to encourage musical growth in our church! For those musicians who may not be ready to stand on stage right away, we offer the opportunity to join the team in an apprenticeship role as they develop their skills. Through private instruction, personal work, and occasional participation in rehearsals, we want to encourage each individual to develop their gifts and find the right place to use those gifts in the service of God and His people.
Please fill out the Music Team questionnaire if you would like to schedule an audition.